A crowdsupport campaign to target consum'actors
How can we make the fashion and textile industry resilient?
In an economic and social context, who do we need to save?
How can we make more visible the designers and actors of this market, who are really transparent, who propose new experiences and who have become aware of the importance of short circuits and the circular economy? Ajouter un paragraphe ici.

After the success of the "resilience" hackathon in June, we are continuing our action in Geneva with all the players in sustainable fashion.
Concretely, between now and September 14th, we invite all those who produce articles, offer services or organize sustainable fashion events in the canton of Geneva, to include them as partners and study the counterparts they propose to offer.
Between September 14 and September 21, we will validate the counterparts that can participate.
From September 21st, our crowdsupport campaign will begin, and we will test the willingness of Geneva consumers to take control of their purchasing decisions, by favoring local designers, local know-how, and initiatives to promote short circuits, innovative experiences and zero waste.
To propose your counterparts, all you have to do is fill out this simple questionnaire.
Ajouter un paragraphe ici.
So don't wait any longer, and join us as a partner in this operation.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact yves.zieba@syntezia.com.Ajouter un paragraphe ici.