Changing behaviours for sustainable fashion
The European Commission launched the 2020 edition of the European Social Innovation Competition. This year’s challenge is 'Reimagine Fashion: Changing behaviours for sustainable fashion'.
We are now at a stage where we know the semi-finalists, the competition will be fierce, as there are multiple great projects.
The matching between selected projects and social innovation coach took place, and we are very happy to work with, who creates the only carbon negative synthetic fibers.
Yves Zieba will spend 20 hours of coaching time with fairbrics to further improve their Development Plan. aims at tackling this important challenge:
- can fashion help to solve the most pressing problem of humanity?
The fashion industry produced almost 5% of manmade CO2 emissions in 2015 – more than aviation and shipping combined. Synthetic fiber production accounts for around 40% of total fashion industry emissions.

You can follow the #diogochallenge journey on Twitter: and the @EUSocialInnov twitter handle to follow the competition.
The awards ceremony is planned for Autumn 2020.
We will do the impossible to make sure that go as far as possible in this competition. Good luck to all semi-finalists (fantastic variety of initiatives). We will keep you posted ;-)