Raise Your Voice
When preparing for the Fashion Revolution Week 2020, the team in Greece and in Cyprus prepared a great serie of videos to raise awareness about :
- the new transparency index 2020
- "Raise Your Voice" to fight human trafficking
- the impact of the fashion and luxury industries on climate change issues

You can view the serie of short 1.5 minute interviews with great speakers here and my short video by clicking on this link.
All inspiring videos are available on the Fashion Revolution Greece Facebook Page.
#WhoMadeMyClothes #WhatIsInMyClothes #FashionRevolutionWeek #FashionRevolutionWeekGreece #FashionRevolutionWeekCyprus #FashionRevolutionWeekEurope #GoTransparent #ClimateChange #HumanTrafficking #HackYourStyle #RaiseYourVoice2020